The vinyl decal application should be made in temperatures ranging from 10°C to 32°C. The Surface Temperature must be between 15°C and 32°C, noting the ideal range is between 21°C to 27°C.
Do not install graphics outdoors if winds exceed 20 km/h. Blown dirt, dust or other contaminates may interfere with the bonding of the graphic adhesive to the vehicle during installation. Try to avoid installing decals in direct sunlight to reduce stretching or other undesired effects.
The surface must be properly prepared prior to installation of the graphics. It MUST be cleaned prior to any application of vinyl graphic/striping products. Wash the vehicle surface with detergent and water, then thoroughly rinse the surface with water and dry completely. Saturate a clean cloth with isopropyl alcohol and wipe the surface of the vehicle where the vinyl is to be applied to remove any contaminates such as silicone, wax, or adhesives. Dry the surface with a lint free paper towel.
WARNING: Do not use any aromatic solvents such as acetone, toluene, paint thinner; lacquer thinner, gasoline or ammonia-based cleaners to clean the vehicle surface.
You will need:
Dry Method
Wet Method
Final Check:
Once the pre-mask is removed, make for sure all the vinyl decal is adhered to the surface. You will likely see small air or water bubbles. If so, you may wish to make a small cut into the vinyl with a razor and use your squeegee to push the air or water out. Most air or water bubbles will disappear within a few weeks.
Allow a few days for the decal to cure before washing or waxing.
Removing Vinyl Decals:
A razor blade or scraper may be used to remove decals from glass, mirrors, and windows. Do not use a blade or scraping tool on any surface that may be scratched or damaged. A blow dryer may be used to heat the decal to make removal easier. Use your fingernail to peel up the edges of the decal but be careful not to scratch the surface!
Cutting Edge Graphix Ltd
Cutting Edge Graphix Ltd, 5082 80 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2X3, CA
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